Samana - Cayo LevantadoSamana - El limón waterfallsForest fires in Central Mountains 2005San Juan - José del Carmen Ramirez National Park- Pico DuarteSantiago - Taveras damTogether Insaproma & the world to save the environment
Institute of Lawyers for the Protection of the Environment

Environmental education campaign with musical rhythm


With your donation and acquisition of our songs with educational and awareness themes about the environment, we want the environment to be present in the minds of the general public through the dissemination of music.

In addition, with your contribution, you help INSAPROMA to continue its work for the protection of the environment and natural resources.

What is the Environmental Education Campaign with Musical Rhythm?

It is an awareness program aimed at the general public, but especially the youth. Using music, in a lively and fun way, the messages are passed on about the environment, where we talk about the negative elements affecting our planet caused by the activities of man. Each song tackles a different theme under varied musical rhythms and genres accompanied by photos closely related to the lyrics, reinforcing the messages. The idea is to try to use this variety to please all musical tastes to increase the downloads of these songs and expand the dissemination of our environmental messages.

The fundraising through this campaign will serve to sponsor several community projects, also on awareness, as well as remediation, reforestation, etc. INSAPROMA is a not-for-profit entity and, although it receives from the Dominican state funds to cover basic activities, it requires funds from the private sector to be able to initiate activities of significant impact regarding the protection of the environment.

We invite you to go to the songs section to listen to samples, make a donation to download your favorite songs.

Thank you very much for your contribution and support in protecting the environment.


Institute of Lawyers for the
Protection of the Environment

6 Sep 2017

A tripartite agreement has been signed between CUBANOS EN LA RED, INSAPROMA and FUNDACION PACMA, to promote environmental protection between Cuba and the Dominican Republic through music.

(left) Lic. Euren Cuevas Medina,
(center) Osmel Francis of CUBANOS EN LA RED
& (right) Ysaias Lara Kevelier

The songs and their messages
The songs are designed so that all believers and non-believers can listen to them and capture the message, such as the Merengue played by Fernando Villalona also know as "El Mayimbe", titled "Why destroy what God created" (Por qué destruir lo que Dios creó), this song was written for all those who believe in creation and was taken from the book of genesis of the bible on creation and the encyclical Laudato Si, second encyclical of Pope Francis on the need to protect the environment. The message of this song is: why destroy what God created and not to care for it, if he made us the paradise with clean, pure water, animals of all kinds and trees, then, God created man and woman to enjoy all that, but also as guardians of the earth, nevertheless what we do is destroy it. This song is a cry to respect nature as God's command that created it for us to live from it, not to destroy it.
Another Merengue played by the artist Javish Victoria of the Quisqueya group, titled “No more” (Ya No Más), in which it narrates a great devastation, its clamor says: no more cutting trees, no more pollution from burning coal, no more migration of birds, no more global warming, no more destruction of the ozone layer, no more melting of the glacial poles, the message is that the earth needs protection.
The Pop ballad played by Manuel Jiménez, entitled "Miranda can NOT be negotiated" (Miranda No se Negocia), this song narrates one of the greatest struggles that the Dominican people has fought, defending a mountain, and the message is: "the people say that life can not negotiated". This is a mountain called Loma Miranda, where the Nickel mining company FALCONDO, wanted to exploit one of the most important mountains in biodiversity, in water production and the people headed by the churches achieved that the Senator of the Province of La Vega, Mr. Euclides Sánchez submitted a bill to convert Loma Miranda into a National Park and the law was approved by both chambers, but the president of the Republic objected to the law, and although its protected by law it is protected by the courage of the Dominican people. "What richness may be greater than that mountain” says the artist.
Brief about the "Environmental Education Campaign with Musical Rhythm"
The idea of launching an "Environmental Education Campaign with Musical Rhythm” was born from the need to create a culture of environmental protection, reaching the deepest of people's feelings, using music as an ideal means of sensitization to penetrate the hearts of children, youth and adults.

INSAPROMA, after 16 years in its continuous effort to create environmental awareness, realized that a mechanism of greater scope and diffusion had to be created, which would be enjoyable for everyone, such as music. We are sure that with this campaign, the population as a family will assume both individual and collective attitudes in defense of the environment, thus providing solutions that prevent its contamination and degradation, since quality of life depends on this, for us, our successors and so that our country may be sustainable.
From nature we get the raw materials we need to live; air and water, both indispensable for human life that are being contaminated, therefore we must inculcate awareness of the proper use we give these.

At INSAPROMA, as an institution aware of this need we have found an entertaining way of orienting and raising awareness of the population in a harmonious and pleasant way; to the rhythm of music, since it expresses feelings, emotions, circumstances, thoughts or ideas that can make that citizens, as they enjoy the melodies, also learn and are made aware of the importance of protection to the environment. The ultimate goal is that we all love nature, as we do not mistreat what we love.

Euren Cuevas Medina
Executive Director of INSAPROMA

INSAPROMA supports Dominican communities in protecting natural resources to prevent or repair environmental damage resulting from mega-mining, tree felling, wetland fill, damage to corals, mangroves, rivers and over-fishing, raising awareness of their rights to enjoy a healthy and ecologically balanced environment and assisting them in the courts.

In order to ensure that the authorities take precautionary measures, we invite journalists and organizations of great public opinion to assume the environmental cause.

INSAPROMA is funded by small citizen donations and this time we have designed a different form of funding through an Environmental Education Campaign with Musical Rhythm consisting in 10 songs of different genres.

We ask for your help to avoid this:

Extraction of aggregates from the rivers

Open air mining destroys biodiversity and pollutes the waters. Cotui-Bonao

Mangrove cutting in Puerto Plata                                    Healthy mangrove

Campaign media coverage
Artistas lanzan campaña
El Nacional
19 mayo 2017
Fernando Villalona en campaña musical a favor del medio ambiente
Diario Libre
22 mayo 2017
Fernando Villalona en campaña a favor del medio ambiente junto a colegas artistas
Listin Diario
22 mayo 2017
Reportaje sobre la Campaña de Educación Ambiental con Ritmo Musical de INSAPROMA y Mundo Ecológico así como la cubertura del lanzamiento de la misma el 17 de mayo 2017 en la cual participan Fernando Villalona, Manuel Jimenez, Javish Victoria, Ramón Orlando y Hendry Zarzuela, prestando estos artistas sus voces en canciones con temas ambientales como apoyo a la campaña. (Producción vídeo por Mundo Ecológico)
Mundo Ecológico
25 mayo 2017

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